Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Broken Top's Youngest Golf Champ
I was hired this year by Broken Top Club to take photos of all the champions of their most recent golf tournament (Aug 06). Here is the champion of the junior tournament. Pro-Golf in her future??...

Rodeo Queen
I got a call the other day from someone that had been referred to me by a makeup artist I know, Michelle. A rodeo queen applicant needed some photos for her application to be the 2007 Rodeo Queen! Of course I accepted - how fun!! Here is my favorite photos from the shoot.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Ari and Lisa
Black Butte
July 30th, 2006

This was one of my favorite weddings so far! I was so touched by the ceremony that joined two amazing people. With all their friends and family gathered in an intimate semi-circle around the chuppah, Ari and Lisa exchanged the most original and beautiful vows I have ever heard. Also, their cousin read an amazing passage from Kahlil Gibran's "The Prophet" on mariage that will always stand out to me.

Here are some samples from their wedding.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

Fred and Elsie

Fun French wedding on the coast of Normandy in a tiny fishing village. The bride and groom were married in the same 1,000 year old church as the bride's great-grandparents. French weddings are a bit different than American in that they only have adult two witnesses and the rest of the wedding party is all children!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to my blogsite. Here I will be posting news about my photography and updates of work I am doing for clients. Check in here to see some of your wedding pics just after your wedding!

If you haven't already, check out my new website at